On the night of December 2, I went to bed as usual. Except for a little cold, I felt fine.
Thursday afternoon, December 6, I wake up in Davis Hospital wondering what in the heck I'm doing there.
Apparently, at about 2am on the morning of December 3, Hubby heard me "gurgling," which is a miracle considering he sleeps with a CPAP machine. After trying to wake me with no response, he flew out of bed (busting said CPAP in the process) and began doing, to the best of his abilities, CPR.
He gave me a breath, which I took and then released. He did it again, but this time nothing. So, he started doing chest compressions, the whole time calling my name hoping to wake me up. From the other room, our 11 year old heard the commotion and came in. She dialed 911 and stayed on the line until they arrived. She was told to tell hubby to do two compressions a second (stayin alive, stayin alive). Within a few minutes, Davis County Sheriffs arrived and were brought up to the bedroom. They observed while hubby continued doing CPR. After what I'm sure must have felt like an eternity, the paramedics arrived and finally took over. They eventually had to defibrillate and then I was transported to the nearest hosptial.
Concerned about how long I might have gone without oxygen and how that might have affected my brain, they decided to perform a treatment where they cool your body down to 89 degrees, leave it there for 24 hours, and then bring it back up. Only, I didn't just wake right up. Took me a little longer for some reason. Poor hubby knows how I hate being cold, so he slept by me without a blanket the first night. Said he couldn't use a blanket knowing I was laying there freezing (induced coma, didn't feel a thing).
All I know is that when I woke up on Thursday, I told everyone I was fine. I felt like where ever I had been, it was very peaceful and I couldn't understand their worry. The only lingering effects were the loss of my voice, and the sore ribs. Apparently, on the way to the hospital, they had intubated me wrong, so when we arrived it had to be pulled and done again. Talking was extremely difficult. It took a ton of air to just get out a few words.
After running quite a few tests the result was that I had a heart arrhythmia. My heart stopped pumping and went more to a flutter.
Treatment... a permenant defibrillator. Seriously... I am way to young for this. I spent Sunday, December 9th celebrating my 39th birthday, and Monday having surgery to place the defibrillator. After a nine day hospital stay, made it home alive!
Do I have memory problems? Yes, the first few weeks were the toughest. I couldn't remember the names of friends and neighbors. I couldn't remember what we had done the few days leading up to the "incident." I couldn't remember where stores were located which was a problem considering Christmas was just a few weeks away. However, I wasn't allowed to drive, so as long as someone else could get me there, I could still handle the shopping. I feel pretty much back to normal now, and at least when I have memory issues I have an easy excuse, although my kids aren't buying it anymore.
I visit the cardiologist every three months to have my defibrillator read and take my pills... potassium and magnesium. I've gone back to playing pickleball, and also played a couple of basketball games(yes, the defibrillator registered the game I played on March 7th at 8:00 p.m. when my heart beat went over 170/min). I can't use cordless tools, and have to avoid large magnets, but other than that, life is amazing and I am just so grateful to have another day.
What does all this have to do with a Bungalow? Well, thankfully the owners/sellers were very patient with us considering all that we had been through. Their tenant, who was supposed to be out by the end of December, also had some difficulties. His father passed away and so he asked to have some extra time to get moved out. With it being the holidays, I called and put school on hold for a few weeks. When I went back the second of week of January, it was almost like starting all over again.