Right off, first day working at the house, hubby, Clay, finds a "treasure". In the back, northwest corner of the house, is a bedroom. This bedroom, I've mentioned, had the worst damage. Water leaking in from the roof and soffit, mold taking over, vines coming in through the windows, old, soggy red carpet turned to mush. Clay was pulling some of the rotting wood casing off the door frame and found an old black and white photo of one of the daughters that grew up in the home, 93 years ago. She is sitting on the porch at the home and looks to me to be about 12 years old. I snapped a picture of the old photo, and then dropped it in the mail to the past owner. Over Memorial Day weekend, one of the grandsons dropped by and we showed him the picture. He thought it was his aunt Doris, the oldest of the three girls. She married Sterling W. Sill, famous author of "How to Profit from the Laws of Success," and other books, and also An Assistant to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, in the LDS church from 1954 to 1976.
I am actually quite amazed that it survived as well as it did, considering it has been trapped between rotting wood and damp plaster for nearly a hundred years. I also really love that you can see the house in the picture. She may actually be older than I thought in this picture. I saw that she got married in 1929, and the house was built in 1921. What do you think?
Ok... a couple of other "treasures."
WWF wrestling cards.
And we found this book trapped in the basement closet where we removed the dumbwaiter.
This library book was checked out in March of 1973. There is notice of a two cents charge per day for late fees, which makes the fine nearly $300 to date. My little one wants to keep it, but I think I will call the Kaysville City Library and see if they want it back.
More to come... Indian head penny from 1903 (also found in dumbwaiter closet), newspaper from 1923, and other stuff!