Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week 2... Walls coming down.


This week we did a bit of outside work as well.  We took down the barbed-wire fence that was around the old pasture and dug out the fence posts.  We put the old swing set out on the curb with a free sign on it, and it was claimed almost immediately.

On Saturday, with the amazing help of my bestie, Vic, we emptied out the basement, removed the fascia from the house, and took the massive swamp cooler out of the back window. We also finished taking the chimney on the back of the house down below the main floor level.

We started removing items from the bathroom including the medicine cabinet, plastic tub surround, shelves and hooks.  We removed shelves and cabinets from the main hall and and the closets in the back of the house.

Finally, we began removing walls, lath and plaster, base boards and other trim, starting at the back of the house.

We pulled down the rest of the ivy on the west side of the house and trimmed the cherry and plum tree and the plants in the front.

We had a tree service come and trim up several of the trees and also remove dead limbs, a few trees and some old stumps.  They also hauled off all the branches and yard waste we had trimmed.

The yard looks so much better with the old branches hauled away, and it's amazing to see the space opening up and sunshine coming through now the old ivy is off the windows.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Give me a Sledge Hammer!


Our very first night of owning the house, we started tearing the paneling off the walls where the water damage had occured.  We rolled up the old, mushy rotten red carpet and hauled it out and started removing the base and trim from the walls, doors and windows.

There were at least three, maybe four layers of wallpaper in that room.

On Monday after we closed on the home, I called Kevo and asked him to get us a dumpster at the house.  We were ready to get going on it.

During the week we took all the appliances out and put them on the driveway and started removing the upper kitchen cabinets.

Saturday morning... I woke up thinking "I want to tear down a chimney today. Thanks Nicole Curtis!"

First Chimney down below roof.

Getting ready to take down the second chimney.  This was a bit tricky trying to figure out how to get the cap off.

We took this chimney all the way down to the first floor.  

Girls enjoying the view.

We also cleaned most of the vines off the west side of the house and emptied the garage.  We figured we were going to need to store some of the doors and woodwork we would be removing in the garage.

We pulled the lath and plaster off the ceiling. We wondered if the sliding door at the back of the garage worked and guess what?
It did.

There were hundreds of walnut shells up in the ceiling put there by squirrels.